Sea surface temperature (SST)

Source: NOAA Climate Prediction Center.


Source: NOAA Climate Prediction Center


Niño regions. Source: stateoftheocean.osmc.noaa.gov.


Niño3.4 SST anomaly index (Zoom: last 2 years). “In the full series case, monthly averages are shown by the plus signs, three-month running mean filtered index values are shown by the shaded regions. In the “last 2 years” case, weekly averages are shown by the plus signs and the monthly average values are shown by the shaded regions”. Source and details: stateoftheocean.osmc.noaa.gov.


Niño3 SST anomaly index (Zoom: last 2 years). Source: stateoftheocean.osmc.noaa.gov.


Niño4 SST anomaly index (Zoom: last 2 years). Source: stateoftheocean.osmc.noaa.gov.


Niño1.2 SST anomaly index (Zoom: last 2 years). Source: stateoftheocean.osmc.noaa.gov.


Southern Oscillation Index (SOI)

Southern Oscillation Index (SOI). (a, b) SOI based on sea level pressure (SLP) inTahiti (TAH) and Darwin (DAR). (c, d) Equatorial SOI based on Indonesia (INDO) and Eastern Pacific (PAC) SLP. Source and details: NOAA Climate Prediction Center.


Trade winds

Trade Wind Index at 850 hPa (5°North-5°South) East Pacific. Source and details: NOAA Climate Prediction Center.


Upper-level winds

Upper-level zonal winds. (a) Zonal Winds Equator (165°West-110°West). (c) QBO Index. Source and details: NOAA Climate Prediction Center.



Further links: NOAA Climate Prediction Center and Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) NOAA.