Here you can find some of the talks that I gave in the recent period.
Bevacqua, E., “A compound event perspective on extreme weather events”, Keynote at the 4th International Atmospheric Rivers Conference – Santiago, Chile, 10/10/2022.
Bevacqua, E., “Compound Weather and Climate Extreme Events”. Lecture at the training school “Artificial Intelligence for Detection and Attribution of Climate Extremes”, ICTP – International Centre for Theoretical Physics – Trieste, Italy, 06/2022.
Bevacqua, E., “Advancing our understanding of summertime and wintertime compound events via SMILEs”. Webinar series of the SMILE (Single Model Initial-condition Large Ensemble) community, Online, 03/2022.
Bevacqua, E., “Guidelines for studying diverse types of compound weather and climate events”. AGU Fall Meeting 2021, Online, 12/2021. Full paper available HERE.
Bevacqua, E., “A compound event perspective on extreme weather events”. Next Generation Challenges in Energy Climate modelling 2021 (NextGenEC21), Online, 09/2021.
Bevacqua, E., Zappa, G., and Shepherd, T. G., “Shorter cyclone clusters modulate changes in European wintertime precipitation extremes”. Presented at vEGU General Assembly 2021 (Highlight) on 04/2021 and at the Workshop on Compound Weather and Climate Events on 01/2021. Full paper available HERE.
Bevacqua, E., “More meteorological events that drive compound coastal flooding are projected under climate change at most locations worldwide”. Risk-KAN Working Groups – Webinars, 10/2020.Full paper available HERE.